
Guided Selling

Sales reps have a hard time winning deals. Recent studies have shown that 79% of sales organizations miss their targets by more than 10%. AI powered guided selling helps reps to understand more about the opportunity and their customer across the sales journey, from which lead to prioritise, to how to price to close the deal.

AI playbook

The AI playbook approach presents sales reps with a customised plan on how to deal with every opportunity in their pipeline. This decision support helps users with the information they need to ensure a successful sales cycle outcome. The result – win more, win bigger.

Save time, sell more

On average sales reps spend 67% of their time NOT selling. That’s just 17 hrs a week selling and studies have shown that just 4hrs more can yield a 10% increase in sales. By automating the analysis of time consuming activities like planning, lead prioritisation etc, our solution frees up reps’ time to focus on selling

Save time, coach more

Sales Managers spend their time challenging reps on the quality of their information. Prophesee helps managers by providing them with a fact based cheat sheet to qualify their arguments, but more importantly to help them truly understand where reps are doing well, where they aren’t, what deals have resource risks, what don’t and so much more – the insights they need to lead their team to deliver on target.


If you want to know more about how Prophesee can help you then drop us a mail and ask for a demo or trial.



1.01 Barley Mow Centre, 10 Barley Mow Passage, London W4 4PH